
Code-Extend is a framework for enabling a codebase to integrate plugins, addons, and extensions.

By using a variety of customizable hook topologies, and a comprehensive set of configurable options, your architecture will become highly extensible and loosely coupled.

Code-Extend leverages Typescript, supercharging your development with compile-time type checking and code completion. This type safety includes all hooks, taps, calls, contexts, tap data, and interceptors.

Usage Overview


yarn add code-extend
npm install code-extend

Basic Usage

With type safety

import {createSyncHook} from 'code-extend'

const hook = createSyncHook<[string]>()
// Typescript knows that the `tap` callback receives 1 string)
hook.tap(message => { console.log(message) })
// Typescript knows that the `call` method requires 1 string)'hello')

Async with type safety

import {createAsyncHook} from 'code-extend'

const hook = createAsyncHook<[message:string]>()
hook.tap(async message => { console.log(message) })

Without type safety

import {createSyncHook} from 'code-extend'

const hook = createSyncHook()
hook.tap(message => { console.log(message) })'hello')


A plugin system requires an event bus for communication between the host and extensions. The standard Node EventEmitter has a many limitations: It is inherently synchronous, it is not typed, and it disregards the return value of listeners.

Other libraries, such as Tapable, are limited in their functionality.

The Code-Extend library solves these issues, while also offering additional features to manage the topology and behavior of the system.

Features and Benefits

  • Typesafe hooks and interceptors
  • Custom error handling
  • Call filtering
  • Synchronous and asynchronous hooks using interchangeable API
  • Variety of hook topologies
  • Written from the ground up using ES6 and composable functions
  • Fully tested
  • Lightning fast
  • Tiny footprint
  • No external dependencies
  • Interop with the Tapable library


Hooks are created using createSyncHook(...) and createAsyncHook(...)

Untyped hooks

const syncHook = createSyncHook()
syncHook.tap(message => console.log('The hook was called:' + message))'Hello')

const asyncHook = createAsyncHook()
asyncHook.tap(async message => console.log('The hook was called:' + message))

Typed parameters

No callback parameters

const syncHook = createSyncHook<[]>()
syncHook.tap(() => console.log('The hook was called'))

One unnamed callback parameter

const syncHook = createSyncHook<[string]>()
syncHook.tap(message => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message))'Hello')

Two named callback parameters

const syncHook = createSyncHook<[name:string, age:number]>()
syncHook.tap((name, age) => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message + ' ' + age))'Woolly', 5)

One named callback parameter with a return type. When specifying return types, use the function style (arg1, arg2)=>returnValue instead of the list style [arg1, arg2].

const syncHook = createSyncHook<(message:string)=>string>({type: 'waterfall'})
syncHook.tap(message => { console.log('The hook was called: ' + message); return message })
const result ='Hello')

Note: Hook and call return types are only applicable to waterfall and bail hooks.

Untyped named arguments

This uses the Tapable style, and not recommended.

const syncHook = createSyncHook(['message'])
syncHook.tap(message => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message))'Hello')

Error handling

There are three ways to handle errors that occur within a tap callback. These errors are configured per-hook using the onError configuration property.

Strategy Description
log Log the error / Ignore the return value / Continue to call the next tap
ignore Do not log the error / Ignore the return value / Continue to call the next tap
throw Throw an exception / Do not call any more taps
const syncHook = createSyncHook<[message: string]>({onError: 'log'})
syncHook.tap((message) => {
  throw new Error('No way!')
syncHook.tap((message) => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message))'Hello') // Exception WILL be logged and second tap WILL be called
const syncHook = createSyncHook<[message: string]>({onError: 'ignore'})
syncHook.tap((message) => {
  throw new Error('No way!')
syncHook.tap((message) => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message))'Hello') // Exception will NOT be logged and second tap WILL be called
const syncHook = createSyncHook<[message: string]>({onError: 'throw'})
syncHook.tap((message) => {
  throw new Error('No way!')
syncHook.tap((message) => console.log('The hook was called: ' + message))'Hello') // This WILL throw and second tap will NOT be called

Async hooks

const asyncHook = createAsyncHook<(message: string) => void>()
asyncHook.tap(async message => console.log('Hook1 was called'))
asyncHook.tap(async message => console.log('Hook2 was called'))

// tapPromise is same as hook.tap for async hooks
// We suggest sticking with `tap`
asyncHook.tapPromise(async message => console.log('Hook3 was called'))

// tapAsync is the old-school callback API (error,result):void
// We suggest sticking with `tap`, and only using if you need it
asyncHook.tapAsync((message, callback) => {
  console.log('Hook4 was called')

await'Hello') // All taps called in series by default

Hook options

  const asyncHook = createAsyncHook<(string) => string>({
  type: 'waterfall',
  onError: 'ignore',
  reverse: true
asyncHook.tap(packet => packet + '1')
asyncHook.tap(packet => {
  throw new Error('Should be ignored')
asyncHook.tap(packet => packet + '2')
await'3') // return value is '321'

Call filtering

Hooks can be filtered when called. The caller can inspect tap data that was provided when the hook was tapped.

Tap data is typed using the second parameter (TAPDATA) of createHook.

test('Call filtering', () => {
  const syncHook = createSyncHook<[string | number], string>()
  syncHook.tap({data: 'string'}, (message) => console.log('withString', message))
  syncHook.tap({data: 'number'}, (message) => console.log('withNumber', message))
    filter: (data => data === 'string'),
    args: ['Hello']
    filter: (data => data === 'number'),
    args: [12]

Providing a context

The default method will create an empty object as the context and provide it to the first hook. Use the hook.call2 method to provide your own context.

Context is typed using the third parameter (CONTEXT) of createHook.


A tap opts-in to receiving context as the first callback parameter by setting the context property in the tap options.

call2 may be used to explicitly set the context object. When using call, the object is initialed as an empty object.

import {createSyncHook} from './hooks'

const syncHook = createSyncHook<[string], {name:string}>()
syncHook.tap({context: true}, (context, message) => console.log(context, message))
  context: {name: 'Woolly'},
  args: ['Hello']


Removing a tap is called untapping. Tapped hooks return an Untap Function.

const syncHook = createSyncHook()
const untap1 = syncHook.tap(() => console.log('Hook 1'))
const untap2 = syncHook.tap(() => console.log('Hook 2'))  // logs "Hook 1" and "Hook 2"
untap1() // logs "Hook 2"
untap2() // logs nothing

Typing and hook.call2

There is currently an issue with Typescript that prevents inferring the hook type unless provided with all or no template parameters. This means you need to be redundant when you want your waterfall hook or bail hook return values to be typed.

Not a big deal, but now you know!

const hook = createSyncHook()
// result: any
const result =
const hook = createSyncHook<() => string, any, void, 'bail'>({type:'bail'})
// result: string
const result =
const hook = createSyncHook<() => string, any, void, 'sync'>({type:'sync'})
// result: void
const result =
// This partial template parameter condition will not be as accurate due to Typescript bug
const hook = createSyncHook<()=>string>({type: 'bail'})
// result: string | void
const result =


Hook Parameters

There are four parameters that are used to indicate the Typescript types.


Parameter Description Default
PARAMS Specifies the call and tap callback parameters. This can use function style or list style syntax. any parameters / any return type
TAPDATA Each tap can store a custom data object used for filtering calls. any type
CONTEXT The type to use when requesting a custom context to be provided in the tap callback. any type
HOOKTYPE The type of hook; This should be the same value that is specified in the hook creation object. This redundant parameter is needed due to Typescript limitations. 'series'

Hook Types


Each hook is called one after another. Return values are ignored.


Each hook is called in parallel. will resolve after all taps resolve or reject. Return values are ignored.


Each hook is called in series, receiving the value that the previous hook returned. will resolve after all tap with the final returned value, after all taps resolve or reject. This hook is essentially a pipeline.


Each hook is called in series. Once one hook returns a value other than undefined, will return that value. Any remaining hooks will not be called. Any pending async hooks will be discarded.


Each hook is called in series. If one hook returns a value other than undefined, the will restart from the first hook. This will continue until all hooks return undefined. The return not-undefined value that is used to initiate the loop is not returned from


This project was inspired by the Tapable project that was contributed to the open-source community by the Webpack team. See The main superpower of Tapable is its ability to create various types of hooks. Although Code-Extend is not a fork of Tapable, it strives to maintain some API compatibility. If you already use Tapable, Code-Extend includes features that will supercharge your experience.

Differences From Tapable

If you are familiar with Tapable, you might find this section of interest.

  • Hooks are type-safe. This includes taps, calls, return types, context, filter data and interceptors.
  • Taps can be removed (untapped).
  • Tap callback order can be reversed.
  • Untap interception was added.
  • call and tap can be used for both sync and async hooks.
  • Hooks can be filtered when called, using a typesafe hook filter object.
  • promises are used for async functionality with same signature as sync.
  • The name parameter is optional when calling hook.tap.
  • Initial context can be supplied to the
  • There are only 2 types of hooks: SyncHook and AsyncHook. All other types are specified using options (parallel, series, waterfall, bail, loop).
  • Options include controlling how exceptions in callbacks are handled.
  • Composable functions are used internally, instead of classes.
  • Code generated is 1/10 to 1/7 the size of Tapable, for a .02% performance hit.

Implemented Functionality

Feature Implemented Comment
tap yes When async, same as tapPromise
tapPromise yes Recommended to use tap instead
tapAsync yes
call yes Extended using call2
sync yes Recommended to use tap instead
context yes Can be provided in
Interception yes tap, untap, register, and loop
HookMap yes We recommend using call2({filter}) instead
Multihook yes Please check for issues when using withOptions API

Tapable Interop

We have included an interop library that allows using Code-Extend with the Tapable API. This library uses ES6 proxies to embed our composable architecture inside class instances. We have tested this library against the Tapable unit tests.

import {Interop} from 'code-extend'
// Now use Interop as if it was 'tapable'
const {SyncHook} = Interop

// Notice you will be required to name your taps, 
// as mandated by the `Tapable` API.

const hook = new SyncHook(['message'])
hook.tap('hook1', message => { console.log(message) })

// Notice async hooks do not have `tap` or `call` methods
// in the `Tapable` API

const hook2 = new AsyncSeriesHook(['message'])
await hook2.promise('hook1', message => { console.log(message) })
hook2.callAsync('hook1', (message, done) => { console.log(message); done() })
// This will not work
// await'hook1', message => { console.log(message) })



One time

yarn test


yarn testc


To build the ES6 and UMD distribution, use the following command. All libraries and type definitions will be placed inside the ./dist directory.

Note: This will first clean the ./dist directory.

yarn build